The Dark Has Its Own Light

The dark has its own light, and we learn to find it, to see our path even in the midst of fog. Don’t reject where you are. Pray to accept, not like you’re going to live there forever, but for these seconds of time. Nothing stays the same. Though what you resist, persists as both sides fight to stand their ground.
You will lose people, places and things; but what you develop from inside, no one can ever take. They can envy, admire, betray, but they cannot shake your invincible bond with Source.  They can leave you but you never have to leave your Self.

Every dark time has a gift in it, some value you will take from it. You won’t know that today, or how it will emerge. You’re learning to swim in deep waters. You’re learning the secret of who you are. It twists and turns, plunges down deep, but ultimately you reach the light again. See it for all of us.