6-Quick Ways You Can Be Psychic


An Easy 6 Ways to Be Psychic 

Clairvoyant: Means clear seeing.

Example: I saw a man who looked sort of like Bill Paxton as the mate my client would marry. Sure enough, the man she was seeing fit that description. Obviously, I had not met him but was answering her question about love and connection. For another client, I predicted a man she had a crush on showing up at her work the following Thursday. What struck her most was that I described a white shirt he would be wearing.

Clairvoyance is seeing pictures of the future.

Clairaudient: Means clear hearing.

Do you ever hear a voice in your head that says, quick, turn left? Take a different route today. Wait. Don’t go? It can be your own voice. When I have clients recite their names, or names of people about whom they have questions, I hear something in the vibration that gives me information. Combined with telepathy (explained below) I can often tell them what conversations are happening in the person’s head. (You can block people listening to your thoughts. An ethical psychic will not go into people’s heads, so to speak, without gaining permission from said person. The psychic’s ask can be transmitted silently, mind-to-mind, in what I call mental messages.

A client was at a loss for what business to pursue. I could hear her (in my head) speaking about hypnosis. I saw her (clairvoyance) standing before groups of people teaching. Several years later, this became her field.

Telepathy: Mind Reading

Telepathy is mind-reading, knowing someone else’s thoughts. If you’re an empath, you experience mind-melding without even meaning to do it. You’ll ask, are those my thoughts? Or their thoughts? The clearer you are as a channel, the easier it is to be receptive. And to be conscious of your own space.

Don’t worry. If you fear your psychic friends are reading your thoughts over dinner. They’re not. They’re eating and chatting. If they’re like me, they open their skills ethically and when needed. It takes an enormous amount of energy to do this work and even more energy if they’ve crossed boundaries.

Someone who doesn’t want to have their thoughts known can intuitively block me. I’ll get the message to back off.  Even if they don’t consciously know I’m doing a reading, and they’re the temporary focus, they can somehow feel it. (This is why your loved ones often call you during a reading or right after, including those who have been previously m.i.a.)

That’s why you’ll see some of my testimonials saying, “You told me everything he was thinking during that time he stopped speaking to me. He finally called me and you were right!”

There’s also the “none of our business” rule and that has to be respected. A client can ask to know any and everything about another person. Doesn’t mean we can always get it, and doesn’t mean we’ll agree to do it. You have to get clear about your own integrity in order to lead a successful life. It’s essential for a psychic. Imagine you’re empathic and you want your clients to like you. How do you set boundaries that leave all parties respected?

Remote Viewing: A form of clairvoyance first explored by Psychic CIA spy Ingo Swann (who coined the name)

Remote viewers are given made-up coordinates as a way to focus and then asked to draw and describe what’s happening at the place where we’ve agreed those coordinates represent.  The Remote Viewer follows a series of defined steps that lead them to go inside the target space and describe it. Who’s there? What’s its purpose? How big is it?

Example: In an RV class I was tasked to draw the contents of a sealed envelope. Other class members knew the photo inside my envelope so only I was blind to it. I started describing something from my brother’s childhood Mad Magazine about Donald Duck. Donald Duck was walking down the street and someone calls, “Donald, Duck!” I crouched down as I said it. Or were they shouting, “Donald Duck?” Donald was flustered trying to figure out when to duck or when to say hello.

The other class members laughed. (Normally, no one shows any expression as the viewer talks their way through. Their reactions can be misleading as this actually was.)

My sealed envelope revealed: A picture of an annual tomato throwing contest in Spain.

Empath: Feeling other people as if you were in their skin. This is the issue that brought me into psychic reading.

Empaths tend to take on others’ feelings as if they were his or her own. If you do this, it’s important become skilled at differentiating what is yours and what belongs to someone else. Being an empath was both a blessing and a curse in my life. It became a blessing when I used it to help others understand themselves and their life issues.

Many people say that we are meaning-making machines.

We can take someone’s words or facial expressions and make them mean terrible things about ourselves. I like to look from a perspective that combines clairsentience (inner knowing/feeling), clairvoyance, clairaudience, and something I call clairnaisence (where I can also smell.) There’s a real word for that. We often experience it with people who visit from the other side. You smell their perfume, for instance.

This is only a short overview. Feel free to let me know if you’re ready for more!


©Lorrie Kazan
Supporting you in creating an abundant life that truly honors
your soul