Resist – Don’t Shoot the Empath


Just because people or forces want to divide and conquer doesn’t mean you have to be divided and conquered. Edgar Cayce (the most documented psychic in history) predicted these current energy crises but he said we could change them by being more loving and “Godlike.” He said generosity, care for the land, those qualities of kindness and goodness had the power to affect even our weather in a positive way. Which is to say that our self-centered greed and fear has affected it negatively.

Is it too late? What do we risk by being kind? By taking care of our fellows? Relieving suffering? There won’t be enough for me if I share with you? If we pool our resources rather than think either or? People say it’s either caring for a veteran or a refugee; what about both? Aren’t both victims of the same industrial complex?

The suffering in the world is massive and yet blessings are also abundant.

Or am I wrong? I’m just an empath who feels like she’s in a shooting range. I bet you feel some pain too.

Empath has suddenly become a word people use with ease. What does it mean? Empaths are like those canaries they used to place in the mine to see if the air was safe enough for humans. They’re the first to feel the struggle, to sense the danger, and die from it.

You don’t have to be an all-out canary-like empath but I bet you’re empathic enough to sense the change in the air, the chaos. What are you going to do about it? Cayce said to be like Jesus Christ, whom he called his older brother and role model. Another way to say this, follow the path of the ascended masters, Quan Yin, Buddha…those who follow the precepts of doing unto others as we would have done unto us.

You can monitor yourself, notice when you’re living in self-centered fear and decide if that’s how you want it to be. Or choose at that moment. Decide if you are willing to let go of tension, self-righteousness, anger at what other people are causing…can I?

The Dalai Lama, who has seen tragedy, lives from the premise: the more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your action will be.

Do we need to worry about who stands or kneels at the NFL and think more about how we’re treating the people on our street? Are you yelling epithets at people on Facebook and saying, “Oh it’s just politics?” Or epithets at people from your car?

People do things we don’t like. All we can control is our response. If not control it, then take responsibility for it.

Do you ghost? Stop talking to friends with no explanation because either they should know what they did or you don’t need them anymore? Your insignificant little corner of the American (or any other) dream actually resonates across the landscape, is the landscape…at least for energy empaths who are finding it so hard to breathe.Our little space of being is a microcosm…as above, so below. I hope it’s not this way above.

“You’re not perfect,” you could well say to me, and I would agree. No one is anywhere near it, should it even exist but can’t we stop…just stop and see where we are, make some mental adjustments, make some verbal adjustments so that what comes out of our mouths are words and ideas that we want to represent us?

Space station astronaut, Alexander Gerst tells us:

“We do not see any borders from space. We just see a unique planet with a thin, fragile atmosphere, suspended in a vast and hostile darkness. From up here, it is crystal clear that on Earth we are one humanity, we eventually all share the same fate.”

Everywhere he looks he sees fires and wars. Our borders are lost to him but our destruction isn’t. This is what empaths see from inner space. We’re living the definition of resentment which is taking poison and hoping it kills the other guy.

If we do not look at ourselves, you at your self and me at my self, then the problem is forever out there. I may not have control of what a world leader does but I can get to know myself, my reactions, my fears, the world, and its possibilities well enough to make better choices. Even if they’re the tiniest choice like the flutter of a butterfly’s wing.

So, maybe just for today, anyone reading this could choose to be kind? To ourselves, each other, the universe. Water a plant. Feed a cat. Say something nice. Refrain from saying something that doesn’t further the quality in the room.

Empaths will thank you. And you’ll feel it.