Recession – Proof Prosperity


When I last taught a class on prosperity, a request was made for either a regular newsletter or an ongoing class that would empower people to achieve their goals and live abundantly. It would provide a consistent support and reminder to all of us not to fall back into old ways, especially if those old ways had to do with living in scare-city, or scarcity, if you prefer.

With that in mind I decided to inaugurate the first newsletter. I know that when I teach the metaphysical laws of prosperity, my own life expands. When I teach it I remember how easy it is to use and how well it works for me when I do. The more I am consistent with the laws, the more consistently they work for me, and frankly, the happier and more secure I feel.

For me, prosperity is about wholeness. Abundance means having more than I need, which does not mean I need to store up huge amounts or be miserly, but be in the flow of this opulent energy. Prosperity is health, wealth, well-being…. What is it for you?

For some people, the mention of the word money is not spiritual. Somehow, in their minds poverty and spirituality have been interlinked. We need to examine the ideas that we hold in the mind in order to see if they serve us or if we want to change our thinking and therefore attract something different. Quantum physics tells us that our consciousness creates our reality. Certainly we can begin to notice the powerful influence it has on it.

We can each ask ourselves some questions. For instance, how do we feel about people with money? Who are these people? Are they us? What are they like? If you don’t like people with money, and many people don’t, it makes it that much harder for you to become one since you’d be asking yourself to become like something you disdain. Consciousness, however, gives us choices.

That’s why questions are so important, and living with a question is as powerful (if not more so) than coming up with the answer. Living with the question is like a meditation. When we ask the universe a question, it responds with countless “answers” and ideas. You might want to become aware of the questions you’re currently asking the universe.

Many people think it’s wrong to charge for doing work they love, for their “gifts,” and yet I’ve never seen anyone look at a homeless person and say, “Ah, spiritual.” What do you want your life to be? Universal law says that as children of god (or you can substitute the word spirit or whatever you wish to call it), we can have anything we are willing to receive. Many times we unwittingly block our good by not creating the opening for it or having a place to maintain it.

What does it take to have a copious flow of this energy form called money, and to simply view it as an energy form, one that we can choose to receive?

The point is that we do not want to sell our souls to get things. In the movie Auntie Mame, the character says, “Life is a banquet and some poor suckers are out there starving to death.” Similarly, the poet, Dan Langton writes, “I offered her the cup of life and she pulled out a straw.”

I don’t want to be one of those people “pulling out a straw,” and limiting my good. Where is the balance between practicality and wonder, between measuring our lives with coffee spoons and creating from the magnificence that the universe offers? For me abundance is like being in a waterfall. I don’t have to drink or horde all the water out of fear there won’t be enough.

When in doubt, I go back to spiritual law. Study the masters. Try what they did and see if it works. Understanding the law is important, using it is rewarding. Those principles will be the crux of the 6 newsletter series.

Helen Keller said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” For Keller, the sheer act of existence seems like an adventure but she did not settle for that. She wanted more. I want more too, and being immersed in spirituality, I’ve come to expect more. Spiritual study does not tell me that I need to live a pinched and miserable existence. It tells me that my life and all things in it come from god, from spirit.

Therefore, spirit is my employer, my director. How can I open myself to more spirit, more divine light? Science of Mind minister, Catherine Ponder, declares: “Nothing is too good to happen. Nothing is too good to be true.” What if that belief became second nature? What’s the down side of positive expectancy?

The monthly newsletter will focus on the metaphysical laws of prosperity and how it works in our lives, and how we can further incorporate themte them. If you’re interested in pursuing this on a regular basis, please sign up for a six-month email subscription. In working on the current newsletter and therefore focusing on these principles, I’ve had an influx of people calling me to offer money, refunds, ideas. I love to be in the flow. Does that mean there are no cycles of decrease and only increase? That’s a topic for another newsletter but I will say that “recession-proof” implies a way of being that frees us from fear of financial insecurity.

Metaphysical principles tell us that life is an out picturing of what lives inside. To change the outsides, we start from within. There’s a famous quote from the I-Ching, which basically states that if you want to improve the world, first start with yourself. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong; it simply means you’re here to create.

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