I Choose To Be Happy Without Reason


Today, I choose to be happy without reason. No matter what the circumstances I know they will change. What remains the same is my inner intention which is powerfully focused and deeply ingrained.

I see beauty wherever I go. I accept life in all its grace. Everything I need is graciously bestowed. Money comes to me with ease. Gratitude brings greater peace as I allow myself to love for the sake of loving, to live for the sake of living, and to be because I am.


©Lorrie Kazan
Supporting you in creating a holistic and abundant life that truly honors your soul

Quotes of the Week
“Perhaps the waves are saying, “Remember your dreams, Remember your dreams.”

www.ashesandsnow.com (These are real and extraordinary photographs.)


Just a reminder, if you’re planning to schedule a reading, I will be away May 8th-the 22nd.

Opportunities: I’ve been invited to attend a “Triple Fortune” workshop next weekend, something I’ve not attended before. It was held at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.

Thursday and Friday I spent being wowed at the Lohas Conference. www.lohas.com is well worth your attention. I’ll be writing a review, though there is so much to recount I almost don’t know how to share it.

If you wonder what happened to activists from the 60’s and 70’s, some of them became visionaries, creating companies that provide a better life for the rest of us. Rather than disappearing, the values of love, compassion, and reverence for the land have been wisely combined to…as Buckminster Fuller once said, “create a world that works for everyone.”

Co-founder of AOL, Steve Case talked about his initial quest for the democratization of information and what it took to realize part of the dream. It’s not enough for products to be what Michael Crook (former President of Patagonia) called “eco-groovy.” They need to be practical, high quality, convenient and competitively priced.

Aveda’s president, Dominique Conseille, talked about his partnership with suppliers, for instance, signing a five-year contract guaranteeing payment, no matter what, to the farmers growing the requested organic crops. Ingenuity and intelligence replace outmoded ways of thinking. The goal is for sustainable, balanced living that enhances the earth for the 7th generation and not just our own.

For example, Steve Case mentioned the “Play Pump” his current company has installed in 700 villages. What’s a play pump? Now rather than walking two hours to fetch water, children can go outside and play, pedaling on a little merry-go-round which is secured to a pump that generates water.

These CEOs learned that in seeking to create high- quality products which improved life without draining the earth, they ultimately dramatically increased the bottom line.

The conference was beautifully orchestrated to include a performance by Joan Baez and our attendance at the mesmerizing Ashes and Snow Exhibit.