I Accept Each Moment As A Gift


Today I accept each moment as a gift. I am open, optimistic, energized and at peace. I release the past, embrace the present, and enjoy what nature provides. Every cell sings in tune as I experience bliss.

Whatever I need is here for me; prosperity runs through my veins. Money comes to me from everywhere, and I am richly paid. The Universe lavishes me in remarkable ways.


©Lorrie Kazan
Supporting you in creating a holistic and abundant life that truly honors your soul

Quote of the Week:
“A pessimist asks if there is milk in the pitcher, an optimist asks you to pass the cream.”

–folk saying

(from Dr. Larry Dossey’s talk Friday night at the Great Rethinking, “Just For the Health of It” conference, which ends on Monday with a 1-day course from Adam, the young man credited with healing Canadian rocker, Ronnie Hawkins, of cancer.)

“The quantum world is like unset jello. Our participation gets it to set in a particular way.”
–Lynn McTaggart, from “What Doctors Won’t Tell You”

Upcoming Classes:

Creating Your Future,” light hypnosis, deep meditation. My most popular class! Create the life you love in an atmosphere of fun and support. Sunday, February 19th, 1pm-3pm. $35, (Special Early Bird Price, $30 if paid by Feburary 9th.)

Click here for the new “Psychic Thought