Everything Is In Divine and Perfect Order


As I affirm my highest guidance, so my clarity increases.

Today I look at life with new eyes. I choose to see the good, focusing on the light as I integrate the dark. I have an abundance of money that comes to me rapidly and continuously. I accept wealth and enjoy sharing it.



Quote of the Week:

“I’d like to offer an exercise to complete in the week ahead:

I want you to spend the next seven days finding joy in everything you do and everyone you come in contact with. Most people rush around all day without noticing joy, unless it’s comes in the form of a really big deal – like a business contract or large check. But you can make the smallest incident, like an amazing cup of coffee or the first glimpse of foliage turning from summer to fall colors, into a joyful experience.

Every morning I want you to say this to yourself before you start your day:

Today I will discover the joy within me and outside of me. It will reveal itself in everything I do and everyone I meet. I am a joy magnet.

“Then at the end of the day, after you have allowed joy to manifest itself in your life, I want you to write down (in a journal or notebook) every glimpse of joy that you experienced. You will be amazed at the joy you have been overlooking in your life.”
–Mark Victor Hansen

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Tomorrow I will be interviewed on Moira Shepherd’s internet radio show, “Triumph Over Trauma.” October 3rd, from 2pm-3pm. This is another first for me!