11:11…The Time Has Come


I’m sending out a special edition of this newsletter because I’ve been asked to tell you about 11:11, which is this Friday’s date, and a time that people in the spiritual community have been anticipating.

Since I’m less time and spatially-oriented than many people, I thought I’d quote my friend Averi Torres’ newsletter, which I think breaks the information down quite nicely.

“The number eleven is a master number, the symbol of balance through justice. Eleven symbolizes the doctrine of karma – work action, reaction, the law of cause and affect!

Experiences occurring now are exciting, stimulating and likely to bring about impulsive actions so patience and tolerance are crucial at this time.

Eleven reflects the transformation of the physical dimension into a higher spiritual vibration. Some of you have been noticing 11:11 on your clocks and other digital readouts. This code has been activating within you the genetic memory of the transformation we are all going through.

In the sacred moments, miracles can flow into this dimension revealing the splendor of who you are and what you can achieve in this lifetime. In that moment you will remember the mystery, the magic, the love, the Light.

During 11:11, at either 11:00 am or 11:00 pm (or both) wherever you are at that time will be made sacred by your presence and you will rediscover the wisdom of your soul and the freedom of your spirit. The work you have been doing will become more visible, illuminating your changes, growth and evolution. You will be able to see the past, present and future in the now moment of time on 11:11.

There are rare times in your lifetime when such a pivotal moment is made available for everyone. Your DNA structure has been coded to receive this energy and Light and has been awaiting this moment for activation. You have worked hard to elevate your consciousness earning the right to step up. There is a sense of immediacy now that helps us let go of the past and live in the moment. Freedom and abundance is the reward. Responsibility and generosity is the key.

Gently…use these precious moments to open your arms to the heavens, palms up, and welcome into the vessel called you, more Light while envisioning your dreams and feeling love for all life. Become inspired, allow clarity which can lead to revelation. Most of all, call forth more Light for your own illumination and for peace on the planet. You are allowing your body to calibrate to a higher frequency of Light. You will see this and understand it beyond your imagination and expectation. And so we let it be.” (©Averi Torres 2005)

You might have also noticed an intensity in the five days preceding 11/11. These are considered days of cleansing, and the five days after the 11th are days of assimilation. Judging by the calls I’ve been receiving, people are definitely experiencing a shift.

When added together and reduced down, 11-11- 2005 is also the master number 11. A time of vision, and an opening for humanity.

There is a belief that the double helix of DNA is represented by the double ones in the 11; it also represents the balance of masculine/feminine, yin and yang.

Clearly we’re knee-deep in global changes and what happens environmentally is also perceived internally, sometimes well before it occurs in the physical realm. Fortunately, we can also affect the environment in a positive way. Our concentrated prayers on the 11th can have a power well beyond us. Acts of consciousness are imperative as we seek to restore and sanctify the earth. Light workers have even traveled again to Bali where they plan to usher in this new portal.

In the days and weeks and months ahead, we can also take action: Planting trees, choosing organic gardening over pesticides, sending positive vibrations and prayers into the earth, using money, time and votes to support causes that heal the planet.

And on the 11th, at 11 a.m., 11 p.m., or even at 11:11, reaching to the heavens as Averi’s newsletter suggests, and stepping into the next vibration.
>©Lorrie Kazan 2005

Special thank you to Averi Torres, (Malibu’s Resident Psychic), and also to Patricia Diane Cola- Robles, and June Collier.