The Dark Has A Light of Its Own – 6 Steps to Find It

1. Admit When You’re In It
You don’t have to announce it to everyone else, but admit to yourself. “I’m lost” doesn’t sound like much of an affirmation? Affirmations are a powerful part of the process. But they don’t supplant authenticity; they ultimately compliment and support it. (More on that soon.)
2. The Old Way No Longer Works
Being lost, being with loss, prods us to find new ways of seeing. Einstein said “You can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created it.” Spirituality talks about our best thinking only going so far, and then something greater is needed. 12-Step Programs offer the first step: I am powerless over (fill in the this) and my life is unmanageable.
Getting to the end of one’s own knowing is good news that generally feels bad.What’s next? What other doors, windows, opportunities surround me that I’m not seeing?
3. There’s Always A Solution
Getting there too quickly may not be the best one. Forcing an old way may be the best way to find out the old ways aren’t working.

But I don’t like the dark, not knowing, not having what I want, you might say. Sometimes the solution is to allow things to be exactly as they are in this moment. In so doing, they ultimately change. What you resist persists.

4. You’re Not Going Blind; You’re Going Conscious

There are times to act and times to be and some times in between. If you’re always acting, you probably can’t tell the difference. Yes, you might say, but that’s how I get what I want.Maybe there’s something better than what you think you want? And also, have you noticed, the old way isn’t working?

 4.  You’re Here for Something Greater than Your Mind Can See
What if your time in the dark were preparing you for a whole new way of seeing? If we (I do psychic readings for a living) push you too quickly through it, you could be like the caterpillar pulled from the cocoon before your wings were sturdy. Before you’re set to fly, when you’re just a bunch of seemingly meaningless goop? If the extent of your mind were all there was, then the limits you see would make sense.

5.  Affirmations Align with the Ultimate Truth

Spirituality says there’s an underlying force guiding everything. I-Ching calls it theCreative. Some people call it God, or Good.

Alchemy mirrors the cycles in our transforming lives. The premise to which we align is the underlying force for good. The light, which you are, the love which you are.

6.  We’re Only Drops In the Ocean. We’re Also the Sea

Every transformative step we take, lifts others as well as ourselves. You might not want to grow, but your soul is here to do just that.