Orbs, Seances, Healing and Sound: What’s New Around Town?


By Lorrie Kazan

So much to cover that I’ll touch on some news briefly and go into more depth if it’s requested. Please feel free to let me know what kinds of articles are of interest to you.

Thanks to the wonders and skill of medium Tim Braun, we held our first Séance in November. Tim’s generous and loving style was a pleasure.

(Just to be clear, mediums speak with the dead. Yes, I do include some of that as part of my readings, but not to the extent Tim does.)

He was close enough in information–even related names of the deceased, and nicknames for the living and deceased–so that each person clearly knew when it was her turn.

I’ve offered to coordinate more spirit circles for him so let me know if you’d like to participate in any of our future groups of six.

The Prophet’s Conference will be holding a symposium about orbs in Sedona. Orbs are units of light that often appear in photographs from spiritual gatherings, and yet are not apparent to the naked eye.

Orbs dramatically caught people’s attention after photos of Adam’s healing demonstration in Los Angeles last February.

In the crowded auditorium, eyes closed, I felt as if a spotlight suddenly illuminated the room bright white gold.

When I opened my eyes to check, there was only the darkened room, no flashing cameras or flooding beams. I had a similar experience at the November Sound Healing Conference in Santa Fe.

The Sound Healing Conference (www.bizspirit.com) is put on by the Message Company, and their conferences are known to be cutting edge. (Check out their upcoming Shamanic/Enlightenment/Tantra Conference.)

Stand-outs from this event: Christine Stevens and Silvia Nakash were joyous. Christine used the power of drumming and flute, while Silvia used the range of her amazing voice to bring the audience into a state of unity.

Both women brought a sense of presence and strength to rooms that initially felt chaotic. Each has had unique success working even with Alzheimers patients.

For Christine, one previously incoherent man spontaneously followed the drumming by singing the lyrics to, “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.”

Tears flowing, his daughter revealed that she had been named after that song. This was Bonnie’s first recognition from her father in years.

Some of what I learned:

Sing without worrying about the beauty of your voice. Listen with your whole being. Listening is a creative act. Heal before you get sick and you won’t need to get sick. Perfection is an unreal conception of the mind. (Jacotte Chollet)

Chanting transforms our disenchantment. Western music is intentionally out of tune with harmonics. In ancient times we lived by praising, chanting, staying friends with the gods until Apollo forbade it in place of science.

If we’re out of tune with nature, we’ll never be sound in mind or body. Sound is the bridge between worlds.

When Shiva dances, the world wakes up. From his drum comes all the letters of Sanskrit. The letters become petals along the spine. Spirit to matter, matter to spirit: one continuous process through sound.

Words can keep us in regrets of the past, dread of the future, while chant goes beyond the mind. (Jill Purce, www.healingvoice.com)

I was once told, if you are depressed or ill, the first question Native Americans ask: “When did you stop singing?

When not steeped in music theory, we seminarians fortuitously found ourselves singing, toning, chanting, and releasing the voice.

The second question: When did you stop dancing?

I will address in my next installment when you meet outstanding presenters: Wilbert Alix, Greg Tamblyn and Fabien Maman.

You will discover: Trance Dance, Soul Hunting in Liquid Light, Tama-do, as well as the conference weaving of witty, and downright funny, Greg Tamblyn. You’ll want the cd or dvd of his performance.

Location, Location, Location: Where to find it:


Sound Healing cds and tapes, Science and Consciousness, Shamanism, Enlightenment and Tantra:www.bizspirit.com

Orbs and other conferences: www.prophetsconference.com

Silvia Nakkash: www.voxmundiproject.com.

Christine Stevens: www.ubdrumcircles.com

For my review of dreamhealer, Adam: click here.

I will be attending Adam’s healing session at the downtown Los Angeles Marriott on December 10th. Not sure if it’s sold out but you can check his site for appearances:



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About Me:

Lorrie told me I was pregnant the day (I later found out) I actually conceived my daughter! She also described the house we later moved into.

— Christine Kloser, Founder, NEW Entrepreneurs, Inc. www.newentrepreneurs.com

“The power in your readings has changed my life.”

— Dr. Silvia Cardona, DDS