Great Things Come To Me


Great things come to me. I attract money, love, health…all the best kinds of wealth. I am the space of true fortune, and happiness is everywhere I am.

The Universe supports me and I feel it in my bones. I share freely, tithing fully, and as I give to the world, so the world richly gives to me. I am headed in a divine right direction with wisdom as my guide and my true companions at my side. We move with ever-increasing joy.


©Lorrie Kazan
Supporting you in creating a holistic and abundant life that truly honors your soul

Quotes of the Week

“If you want to know if you’re making progress on the so-called spiritual path, see if you’re kinder to people, see if you’re a little easier on your self. See if you obsess about all the stuff in your life a little bit less. See if you’re happier in a simple way, more content. And see if you’re treating people more as you would like to be treated. That means it’s working.” –Krishna Das in an interview with Kerri Hikida, Whole Life Times, Feb 2006


I received this in my in-box a few weeks ago with “Caution, this site contains irony“:

“Dear Esteemed Slow Person: Beware! The cult of speed has declared itself:”


This has been such an intensely busy time. I welcome all the new subscribers and clients. I know I’ve been booked solid so if you’ve had trouble scheduling with me, it looks like I will have some openings in the next week.

I’m completing the next two issues of the Psychic Thought Newsletter; one will be on psychometry and the other on what makes a reading effective. If there is some statement you want to make about those topics, please feel free to email me.

So many ideas, so much to think about, listen to, read…Next month, I will be reviewing the sustainable business conference (, in May a learning conference in Los Angeles, and in November a sound healing conference in Santa Fe.

Getting organized, staying organized and growing at the same time. Yesterday I was thinking about a woman I knew who had finally saved enough money so she and her husband could have invitro fertilization. However, there was a financial debt she felt she owed, even though other people told her she didn’t. After much consideration, she gave the money she saved to the man she thought was owed, and strangely enough, within the next month she got pregnant naturally so no other treatments were needed.

For her, this was truly a miracle. She was convinced that in giving up something she had clung to, she had gained something greater.

I was thinking about all the small debts that accrue, bills we mean to pay, things that get shuffled to next week’s lists, and how much freedom we receive from completion. Most of us want to shave money off our taxes and yet if money is really just energy, the more honest, conscious and ultimately free we are in dealing with it, the more we will be open to its flow. If we pay our debts, we release all the congestion in our minds and in the energy field, providing a space for our true choices to emerge. And yet, we resist, hold on. Perhaps the only real substance we can hold on to is our higher power.

There’s a famous passage from the Big Book of AA, saying, “There are no mistakes in G-d’s world…and acceptance is the answer to all my problems today.” The author goes on to say that until he could accept his alcoholism, he could not get sober. He first had to be with what was, and not make it mean anything, and then he could seek solution. It seemed like an apt metaphor for so much of what we go through, trying to figure things out in our minds, fix them, change them. Einstein said you can’t solve a problem at the same level as it was created.

When I do readings, as I shift into a “psychic” paradigm, I can see things that might not even seem reasonable to the rational mind. And sometimes rational minds want psychic readers to provide magical answers to situations that need step- by-step procedures. Yet even those procedures are preceded by a kind of willingness to interact with the universe as a partner, and that requires integrity, honesty, commitment, and maybe a true sense of humor.

Years ago, a friend asked me, can you be with (my then dilemma) for an eyelash length of time? That was exactly the amount of time I could handle. And now 15 years have passed, almost in the wink of an eye. That dilemma and that life that were once so real no longer exist. What I learned is still with me useful as ever.