Axiom/Prophets Conference: “Just For the Health of It”


Reviewed by Lorrie Kazan

“We can recover the sense of sacredness, not just in science, but in perhaps every area of life.”
–Larry Dossey, M.D.
from Reinventing Medicine

“Just For the Health of It” looked too good to miss.  Presenters included Dr. Larry Dossey, a powerful voice in holistic health.  His books, such as Healing Words, have had a major impact on our culture.  I was also anxious to hear David Carson, Eric Pearl, Donna Eden, Lynn McTaggart, and Adam, whose last name has been kept secret in order to protect his anonymity.  I was especially intrigued to meet Adam, the man credited with curing Canadian rocker, Ronnie Hawkins, of terminal pancreatic cancer.

And indeed, the sessions with Adam truly highlighted the conference for me.  Having read his first book, Deamhealer, and watched a DVD animation of the images he visualizes to heal, I had still wondered what truly distinguished him from other healers.

I’ve been studying alternative medicine for decades, and incorporating it into my own psychic practice.  Still, I remain skeptical, especially in this new age frenzy of hype and fame that seems to forward the careers of people who are more TV-friendly than ultimately gifted.

Adam’s career started at 15 when he released his mother from the unbearable pain of MS.  He simply looked into her head and removed a green sack he saw through his mind’s eye.  She still has MS, but no longer suffers from the effects.

Now 19, Adam’s poise and skill with a capacity crowd (largely composed of baby boomers, but including other age ranges, as well) was impressive.  He appeared genuine, intelligent and strong.  His parents were quietly there to support him. “I couldn’t have done this without them,” he told us, and throughout his talk it became clear how they had believed in and nurtured his talents.

Just before the conference, a friend referred to Adam as “the Indigo boy,” which seemed a gross over simplification. Watching Adam at the conference, and hearing him talk about the mentorship supplied by his parents, I wondered whether enlightened parenting were equally responsible for this Indigo child phenomenon.  Perhaps baby boomers were an early form of “indigo” and were thus able to foster this in their own offspring?

The proof is ultimately in the pudding.  I had read his words, and heard high praise for him from such notables as astronaut Edgar Mitchell, founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and apparently one of Adam’s mentors, but I would still rely on my own impressions.

The Healing: There may have been 500 people in the room.  Adam asked us to draw our chairs close together and toward the front. He advised claustrophobics to move toward the edge. In my experience it’s unique that anyone immediately considers the claustrophobic issue and does so without judgment. He had us ground by choosing one of two easy methods; I chose one I knew, creating roots to the center of the earth from our feet and then pulling energy into ourselves.

He asked us to merge our auras so that he would see one large aura containing all the larger issues. As the auras merged I experienced a sense of being pulled up, of lightening. From there, he focused on a specific person and then extended the healing out to the group.

It felt powerful. I had been suffering from vertigo and it didn’t remove it (but remember there were only two short healings, and group ones at that.)

With my eyes closed, I began to be disturbed by a bright white light shining in from my right side.  When I opened my eyes to see why they’d turned on the intense light, I discovered there was no outer light. The room was still dark.

Adam’s advice to us: Intent counts. Positive intent creates positive results.  Tackle your problems from every angle. Learn about your health issues. Get familiar with anatomy so you can accurately picture such things as white blood cells. Use correct diet, exercise, whatever it takes. It is common sense, but when you see someone like him embodying it, there is an added sense of permission.

Earlier we’d watched a TV interview in which Ronnie Hawkins explained that after his terminal diagnosis he’d had two weeks of continual long distance healings from Adam before the cancer disappeared.  He said after one of the initial healings Adam called him to say that it was hard to see through the smoke.  Hawkins laughed and admitted to having a three-pack a day habit, from which Adam believed the cancer was caused.

“I cut back to half a pack a day,” Hawkins said.  “Basically, I just relaxed and let Adam do the healing long distance.  (Adam uses a person’s picture to access their energy.)  Due to the non-locality of mind, we are able to communicate telepathically no matter what the distance.  Separation is simply illusion.

Healers use telepathy (mind-to-mind communication) to convey positive information to the client in order to constructively influence the client’s health, something in my practice I’ve called sending positive messages.  The body has the right to accept or reject those messages.

“Positive thoughts only,” Adam said.  (Sometimes easier said, especially by someone who seems so well-parented, but we can still catch ourselves and realign with healthy attitudes.)

Every thought affects everyone in the universe.  Helping everyone is an unavoidable outcome of helping ourselves.  Thought causes neurons to fire, emitting light.  Light not only permeates the body, affecting health, it inevitably affects all other energy.  DNA is actually shown to interact far more with light than we realized.

Trust your gut and your own experiences, Adam emphasized.  Find visualizations that work for you.  “You don’t have to copy mine.”  His visualizations included lightening bolts and fire, with a waterfall cool down.

As I watched him onstage, I thought about people who profess to be Edgar Cayce reincarnated.  The A.R.E. is besieged with these claims; one of the more prominent promotes this theory about himself through his website and book.  You’ll see him at the new age conferences.

Adam didn’t make any of these claims. He simply showed the audience some ways to see energy for themselves, advised us to trust our own experience and said that he didn’t believe aura colors meant anything since the aura was so constantly moving and changing.  Just think a thought and it changes the color of the aura. He also said that he didn’t see chakras.

He didn’t invalidate anyone else’s system; he simply spoke for himself and reminded us to think for ourselves.  He did urge everyone to find or create some regular system of visualization, and to use these visualizations before going to sleep so that the body could take these images into the sleep state and step up the healing process in its own unique way.

What I discovered in the two days since the conference: I still have vertigo on and off but am interacting with it differently. I’m not sure if it was the rest from doing psychic readings, but what I suspect is the combination of the healings, which felt quite electric, coupled with the few days off from constant readings, energized me and allowed me to expand my psychic frequencies.  Not to offend anyone, but it reminds me of the biblical quote, “In my father’s house are many mansions…” It’s as if I’ve been given access to more of those rooms.

(This article is being featured on (in a shortened version) and forthcoming

Conference Photos

Photo credits: Lynne Ericksson

Dr. Larry Dossey during his opening address

Dr. Larry Dossey during his opening address

Dr. Larry Dossey with Mrs. Blackstone, who at 100 years of age was the oldest attendee. (Healer, Eric Pearl on far right)

Dr. Larry Dossey with Mrs. Blackstone, who at 100 years of age was the oldest attendee. (Healer, Eric Pearl on far right)

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