Anxiety & Your Highly Sensitive Soul


Ever been hit with a bout of anxiety but couldn’t trace the root? When it happens to me, I also look for the route; that is, did I just pick up on someone else’s emotions and take them on as my own? We know that highly sensitive people do this all the time. Some psychic schools  call this “matching pictures.”

Years ago I worked at a healing clinic where I cleared life’s debris out of people’s auras and chakras.  As you were clearing something out of someone else’s field, you might suddenly have a memory or a corresponding set of images spontaneously come to mind, and you’d then know to clear that issue from yourself.

But what if you don’t have the issue? Yet you suddenly feel as if you do? Once when I was leaving a meeting, a woman stopped me, and as she spoke I suddenly, and seemingly out of nowhere, felt an overriding compulsion to eat chocolate. While I tried to make sense of it she said: “I can’t stop eating chocolate.”

I don’t think I even ate sugar by this time in my life, though I’d certainly survived on it when I was younger. But what if I hadn’t? Would I have been able to listen to her without feeling everything she felt? Or would it have come through my own issues?

I’m trying to think of a time when I felt someone else’s feelings but could not find any way they would relate to my own. Since we’re all human, is there any way that could happen? Maybe the need to murder or something gruesome like that, but I suspect the sensitive would still pick up some of those images and yet not necessarily know why. Or really know it had to be the other person. I guess the next question is where do empathy and telepathy meet?

Has there been a time when you’ve experienced this?

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  • Maggie

    This is a painful subject. I’ve isolated myself to avoid the confusion that being in the company of others brings. It’s difficult to articulate why small talk causes anxiety, or why I leave feeling buffeted by what I interpret as anger or dislike when rationally none could exist, and certainly no reason to take it personally. It would be lovely to read more about how to deal with this issue.

  • Lorrie Kazan

    Maggie, thank you for responding to this post. I will be writing more about the topic.